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Syracuse Calvary United Methodist Church
Pastor Henry's Memo

August 2017

Slowing Down in our Twitter Age

Precision with words is almost a lost skill.  Twitter and texting rely on, even demand, a "shrinking" format.  Limiting the number of characters and odd abbreviations may sound like a workable platform for the exchange of ideas, but I choose to disagree.  Yes, one can be glib and cute and snarky in short bursts.  And yes, bumper stickers can be efficient avenues for blunt messages.  Alas, they are all too easily misused and misunderstood.  Blaise Pascal, the 17th Century French inventor, mathematician, physicist, writer, theologian, and, let's not forget, child prodigy is reputed to be the author of this sentence: "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."  I take that to mean he would have been more precise with his use of words had he more time to give those words more thought.  In lieu of more time, he composed less exact messages.  Add to a miniaturized format the failure to count-to-ten or take even a moment to think before you exercise your thumbs, well, embarrassment is sure to occur.  Deleting and regretting will absolutely come to pass.  Not one of us is as quick witted as we'd like to think we are.  I am hoping and praying our social media fascinations will not be our doom.  I know the sting of hearing and even saying (on odd occasions) an imprudent or imprecise or ignorant word.  Oh, to be able to turn back the clock even a few seconds.  Better to slow down and give greater thought to our words than to let spew what first enters our brain.  Fewer tears will be shed and more civility will ensue.

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Nominating Committee may call You!

The Calvary congregation is blessed with talented leadership.  We have many dedicated and faithful members who make our congregational life productive and enjoyable.  The nearly uncountable ways our laity make it possible for all of us to be a family of faith frequently astound me.  We are beginning to assess our leadership committees for 2018.  On the 24th of August our Nominating Committee will be meeting to look at each committee's membership.  It will make suggestions about how to staff each of them and make changes where it seems prudent.  It may be you will receive a call or visit asking you to consider serving on a committee for the coming year.  We ask you to think about it prayerfully.  We know very well our congregation cares for its every ministry.  We know every member participates at differing levels.  Be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you make your decisions.  And know God will bless you and keep you and work in you for the benefit of Calvary.

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Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was visiting Hiroshima, Japan, in his capacity as an engineer for the Mitsubishi company.  He was in the shipyard that morning when the Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb.  The date was August 6, 1945.  He was burned rather extensively, taken to an air raid shelter, and treated.  He was then sent home.  Mr. Yamaguchi was explaining his ghastly ordeal to a fellow Mitsubishi employee when he recalled, "at that moment, outside the window, I saw another flash and the whole office, everything in it, was blown over."  The date was August 9, 1945.  He lived in Nagasaki, Japan.  Mr Ymaguchi survived not one atomic blast.  He survived them both.  He might qualify for being the luckiest man on earth that day seventy-two years ago.  He was twenty-nine years old that fateful August.  He died of stomach cancer sixty-five years later on January 4, 2010.  What Hand of Providence cradled this man to see him alive through two of the most horrific days of the 20th Century?  I don't know Mr. Yamaguchi's religious affiliation.  But, if that had happened to me, I don't know if I would ever get off my knees.  If you know what I mean.

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