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Syracuse Calvary United Methodist Church
Pastor Henry's Memo

May 2017

Outside the Bounds

I won't use her name. She doesn't deserve any more attention.  Ever!   She's in the news because she had her picture taken holding a bloody effigy of President Donald Trump's head; as if he'd just been decapitated.  Just when you thought there was no lower point on the "disgusting scale" she gets below it. Apparently, this is what passes for political humor in her mind.  She may be alone in that assumption.  After all, even the Satan worshipers have disavowed her antics.  American politicians have always been fodder for stinging humor.  A decapitated head is outside the bounds.  Given our revulsion when terrorists behead doctors and journalists and alleged spies, or for that matter, any human being, makes this former actress, stand-up comic no better than a terrorist.  I read where she has apologized.  That's a start.  Now, let her fall into a well deserved obscurity.

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Memorial Day

I remember a time when Memorial Day was celebrated by huddling around a radio and listening to the Indianapolis 500.  My dad would keep track of laps and leaders and the eliminated drivers on a special insert provided by the Indianapolis Star newspaper.  That was a long time ago.  The race was first televised in 1986 and, for my money, The Greatest Spectacle In Racing isn't nearly as exciting now, some three decades later.  While I'm at it, The Greatest Show On Earth is no more.  Ringling Brothers' and Barnum & Bailey Circus closed the Big Top for the last time yesterday after 146 years of thrilling audiences around the world.  Boys and girls ran off to join the circus for all kinds of reasons.  If I ever had a hankering to run off and join the circus, I never acted on it.  No more lions or elephants or tigers.  No jugglers or high-wire acts or clowns.  How does one lure an audience to a three ring extravaganza when every sort of entertainment can be found on your phone?  Political correctness and animal cruelty laws make for difficult times when it comes to what passes for fun and frivolity and thrills of daring do.  Life changes and moves on.  We change or get left behind.  Or we just die.  Which brings me back to Memorial Day.  It is the day when Americans celebrate and honor those un-numbered patriotic dead who marched off or sailed away or took flight into the wild blue yonder to defend what is good and decent.  Deciding to hazard all for nation and family, we salute them and we honor them and bow in prayer for their eternal rest.  God bless them all and God bless America.

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Easter Continues: God's Unfathomable Mystery

This is the fifth week of Easter.  We live in the light of the glorious gift of God's son.  The Light of the World, the Resurrection and the Life, the Door, Gate, Good Shepherd and more.  I remember seeing bill boards along the highway announcing "Jesus Is the Answer."  The glib and dismissive response to that was "What was the question?"  Too often we try to draw to the finest point possible the whole of the Good News; as if we could hold the entirety of it’s mystery in our hands.  I hear far too frequently Jesus died for us.  Jesus died for our sin.  Jesus died that we might have life and have it abundantly.  I don't hear what I believe to be the "rest of the story."  Jesus lived for us.  In fact, because we're in the Easter Season, let me remind you, Jesus continues to live for us.  Jesus' death was the penultimate act of God leading to our salvation.  The resurrection of Jesus acclaims all of his life as an ever living sign of God's love for creation.  As Jesus still lives for us and as the Holy Spirit faithfully empowers us, let us remember during this Easter Season, we too live as ones who bear witness to that Good News in all of its unfathomable mystery.

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Happy Mother's Day

This coming Sunday is Mother's Day.  It is a time for remembering our mother. We rejoice, either in her living with us still in this life, or with Jesus in the Kingdom.  Regardless of where she is, our love for her is still alive; and so too her love for us.  Death does not stop love.  Death does not separate us from love.  Death does not have the last word.  We are still in the Season of Easter.  It is the proclamation of the Church that the resurrection of Jesus happened that first Easter Sunday and is overtly celebrated for the seven weeks before Pentecost.  Mother's Day is one of sentimentality in all kinds of ways.  Presents and cards and flowers and special dinners and family traditions.  They all come together for Mom.  The last word is safely ensconced in the eternal promises we have in Jesus.  As he lives beyond the grave, so too does His love for all of us.  While Mother's Day is a non-religious holiday, it makes room for all our efforts to love our mothers.  And for that, Happy Mother's Day.

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Small Gifts Matter!

Again we have been reminded little things matter.  Little gifts can make a difference in life.  Over a year ago we began collecting pocket change for the Backpack Lunch Program.  We started by encouraging our own children to offer their change that other children had food for the weekend.  $1,843.64 has been given to the program.  While the total dollars are significant, what our children learn is of inestimable value.  They are learning even the smallest gift can be valuable.  Even with small steps a grand journey can begin.  Sunday we hosted Gretchen Showalter at Calvary.  Eleven year old Gretchen had a vision of helping children in Nigeria. She shared with us a bit of how she does it.  She makes and sells small items and purchases others and gives the proceeds to her mission.  Many of you bought some of her creations and that, coupled with what Calvary gave to her mission put her giving to date over the $1,000 mark.  Again, small things matter.  Even pennies and nickels (pocket change) can be a witness to the love of God in the world.  Thank you, Gretchen.  Thank you, Calvary.  Thank you, God. 

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