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Syracuse Calvary United Methodist Church
Adult Ministries
Each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. the following classes are available:


Uses the best Christian literature to spark discussion about daily living. (First floor, Activities Room)

The "Upper Class"

So named because it used to meet inthe balcony, this class now meets in the Fellowship Hall, where adults can engage in a verse-by-verse study of the Bible.


Discovery Class
Studies contemporary issues related to Christianity (First floor, Room 13)


In addition to these ongoing classes,

several short-term Bible studies are offered during Advent, Lent and other times of the year (contact the church office for details or check the Bible Studies link on our web site). 

There are also other study, prayer and social groups, including the following: 

"For Fun"

Open for all adults, this group generally meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 12:00 noon for lunch, an interesting program and, well...just for fun!  There are plenty of other special events too, so come and enjoy! 



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