Pastor Paul Burris's Memo

June 2022

December, 2023

From Pastor Paul,

Luke 9:18-20 18 Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” 19 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets from long ago has come back to life.” 20 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” 20 Peter answered, “The Christ of God.” (NIV)

As we go through the day we talk to the Lord and read his word. We are trying to get closer to him and allow him to work through us. We want his power and anointing, but do we really know him? In order for most people to get something from someone, the person doing the giving needs to know the person receiving. You say I know Jesus and have a personal relationship with him. I ask this question do you really know him? If someone walked up to you and started talking to you about Jesus, do you know enough about him to convince them that they need him in their lives? Not just as Hell insurance but as Lord and Savior. If you have a personal relationship with someone you know how they think, act, and what they would do in a particular situation.

I do not want an answer right now, but I do want you to think about these questions and answer them. No, we do not have to defend Jesus or the word of God, but we do need to be able to explain who Jesus is and what he is like. Make your answer personal, generic answers do not convince anyone about anything, but personal answers can.

Jesus asked his disciples in Luke 9:18b "Who do the crowds that I am?" and they answered him John the Baptist, Elijah, and one of the old Prophets. Then Jesus made it personal and asked them, "But who do you say that I am?" in verse 20. Then Peter answered from what he had seen, heard, and experienced from Christ himself that he was the "Christ of God". Peter could not have answered that question in that manner if he had not known Jesus on a personal basis.

So the first question is this who do you say that Jesus Christ is? And why do you answer in that way? In other words, explain your answer. The next question is a bit deeper. Other than Hell Insurance, why do I need to make Jesus my Lord and Savior? No, I am not going to answer these questions for you, you must answer them for yourself in a personal way. I must answer them for myself also. The next question is a bit tougher. The Bible says that Jesus lived, showed us what he expected from us through his life then was crucified and on the third day rose again. How do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he lives today?

You may think that I am trying to place doubt in your mind and turn you away from God. I am not. I am trying to get you to dig in and really get to know Jesus Christ. Most Christians alive today cannot answer these questions or even the very basic questions. How are we to win people to Christ when we don't even know who he really is? If you cannot answer these questions, it is past time to get down and serious with the Lord and his word. When you get serious, he will show you and prove to you who he is. I believe that once we can answer this important question then our observance of the birth of the Christ child this Christmas season will take on a whole new meaning.

 See you Sunday!

        Pastor Paul

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January, 2024

From Pastor Paul,

Why Go to Church?

A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time, and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."

This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

"I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this. They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!" When you are DOWN to nothing.... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes in the incredible and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical and our spiritual nourishment! (Email forward from unknown author)

It is my prayer that over the course of the past year that our worship services and my messages have in some way provided you with the spiritual nourishment you have needed in your daily lives. It is also my prayer that in the coming year you will make an attempt to be a part of worship here at Calvary United Methodist Church. Church is not only a place where we come for our spiritual nourishment. Church is also a place where we come to be a part of the family of God. Church is a place where God’s plans can be worked out through a group of believers with a common cause. Church is a place where God’s love is on display weekly as we find new and unique ways to minister to, not only one another, but to others. Church is the physical body of Christ in action.

I would like to personally thank all of you for your role in making Calvary United Methodist Church a vital part of this community. You are truly a blessing and I pray that God will bless you as much this coming year as He has my family and I in 2023. See You Sunday!

In Christ Service,

Pastor Paul

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March, 2024

From Pastor Paul,

This is a story I received via email and thought I’d share it with you.

Bibs or Aprons?

I recently visited a fast-growing church in Minnesota to learn from their staff. It was a privilege to witness their passion for doing high quality ministry in Jesus' name. I left with some new insights and renewed passion for the Gospel.
One of the phrases that I heard while I was there was, "We want our members to wear aprons, not bibs." Here's what they meant:
Bibs are for people who only want to be fed.
Bibs are for those who are not yet ready or willing to feed themselves.
Bibs are for those who are more interested in being served than in serving.
Bibs are for those who insist that the church exists for them and their needs.
Bibs are for babes in the faith, those who haven't caught God's vision for the church, or those who are not yet of the faith.
Aprons are for those who have a heart to serve others in Jesus' name.
Aprons are for those who know that they are the church.
Aprons are for those who don't mind getting their hands dirty.
Aprons are for those who take the time daily to feed their spiritual hunger.
Aprons are for those who are growing in faith, and hunger to help others grow.
Church growth consultant, Win Arn, interviewed thousands of Christians in America several years ago and asked them, what they though the church existed for. Eighty-eight percent said, "The church exists to serve my needs and the needs of my family." In other words, 88% of Christians in America are still wearing bibs.
On the night when he was betrayed, just hours before he was crucified, the very Son of God took off his outer garments, wrapped a towel around his waist, and washed his disciples'
feet. When he was done he said, "I have just given you an example to follow." In other words, Jesus called his disciples to wear aprons, not bibs.
In Matthew, Jesus is recorded as saying, "For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many." He also said, "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for me, you will find it."
Jesus calls us to wear aprons, not bibs. Which are you wearing?
Bringing It Home:
1. How would you answer the question, "Why does the church exist?" Does your answer reflect your bib or your apron?
2. How can you help others in your Christian community to trade their bib for an apron?
3. If you're not already serving in a ministry in your church, make a commitment to begin this month.
"For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20:28
Prayer: "Lord Jesus, thank you for feeding me daily with your word. Fill me with your redeeming love. Open my eyes to clearly see the needs of those around me, and then open my hands to serve them. Each day, strengthen me with your Spirit, so that I might choose to wear an apron, not a bib. This I pray in your name. Amen."           ~Author Unknown~

In Christ Service,

Pastor Paul

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May, 2024

From Pastor Paul,

In Luke 9:46-50 the disciples argue over which of them is the greatest. Jesus takes a small child and puts him next to himself and tells the disciples that anyone who receives such a child in his name receives him. When a person receives Jesus, he is receiving the one who sent him. Jesus then tells his ambitious disciples that the least among them will be greatest.

In the next verse John is puzzled because an unauthorized person has been casting out demons in the name of Jesus: the disciples forbade the man from doing this. But Jesus says not to forbid him stating,  “Whoever is not against you, is for you.”

Sometimes in life we are so busy focusing on our own accomplishments that we fail to recognize that others are quite capable of achieving greatness and doing good things. In this story Jesus reminds us that even the most unassuming people in our midst are part of a much larger plan. Until we are aware that we are all part of the body of Christ we will not be able to be effective in making a difference in the world. It is my prayer that we will all find ways to work together. Building one another up in our common mission to reach others for Christ in a world that so desperately needs it.

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul

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Monday, July 24

I would like to share with you one of my favorite illustrations shared by Charles Swindoll:

Let’s play ‘Let’s Pretend’. Let’s pretend that you work for me. In fact, you are my executive assistant in a company that is growing rapidly. I’m the owner and I’m interested in expanding overseas. To pull this off, I make plans to travel abroad and stay there until a new branch office gets established. I make all the arrangements to take my family and move to Europe for six to eight months. And I leave you in charge of the busy stateside organization. I tell you that I will write you regularly and give you directions and instructions. I leave and you stay. Months pass. A flow of letters are mailed from Europe and received by you at the national headquarters. I spell out all my expectations.

Finally, I return. Soon after my arrival, I drive down to the office and I am stunned. Grass and weeds have grown up high. A few windows along the street are broken. I walk into the Receptionist’s room. She is doing her nails, chewing gum and listening to her favorite disco station. I look around and notice the wastebaskets are overflowing. The carpet hasn’t been vacuumed for weeks, and nobody seems concerned that the owner has returned. I asked about your whereabouts and someone in the crowded lounge area points down the hall and yells, "I think he’s down there." Disturbed, I move in that direction and bump into you as you are finishing a chess game with our sales manager. I ask you to step into my office, which has been temporarily turned into a television room for watching afternoon soap operas. "What in the world is going on, man?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, look at this place! Didn’t you get any of my letters?" "Letters? Oh yes! Sure! I got every one of them. As a matter of fact, we have had a letter study every Friday since you left. We have even divided the personnel into small groups to discuss many of the things you wrote. Some of the things were really interesting. You will be pleased to know that a few of us have actually committed to memory some of your sentences and paragraphs. One or two memorized an entire letter or two - Great stuff in those letters."

"OK. You got my letters. You studied them and meditated on them; discussed and even memorized them. But what did you do about them?"

"Do? We didn’t do anything about them." (Improving Your Serve, Chuck Swindoll)

What are we doing with what God has placed us in charge of us?

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul

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November, 2023

From Pastor Paul

I've heard a lot of droopy prayers in my life. Hey, I've prayed a lot of them, too.

Prayers of desperation -- God, you've got to help me!

Prayers of self-pity -- God, things are so awful!

Prayers of resignation -- God, if you want to leave me unemployed, then I can't stop you!

But I'm learning how to pray a different kind of prayer -- prayer said with thanksgiving. I learned it from Paul who, writing from prison, taught me a most powerful lesson. He said,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."1

Strange. Here he is suffering himself, yet he's telling me to pray with thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is the seasoning that makes our prayers edible to God. After all, who wants to hear people whine all the time? I've learned that you can't whine and give thanks in the same breath. Self-pity and thankfulness don't mix any better than oil and water.

In fact, mixing thanks with prayer somehow changes it. When we remember what God has done for us in the past and think about who he is in the present -- and express that in thankfulness -- our prayers become more gentle, more trusting somehow. Thankful prayers are offered with faith. And faith is an essential ingredient for prayers that God chooses to answer.

We remember the Pilgrims on Thanksgiving Day, not so much for their turkey dinner, but for the sheer faith that inspired them to give thanks in a year that saw nearly half their number die of sickness. Yet they prayed with thanksgiving.

When your annual day of feasting is over, you may bemoan your extra helpings of dressing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. But if you can hang on to the "thanks" part of Thanksgiving, you'll be a different person. Because when you learn to talk to God about your needs -- mixed with a healthy dose of heartfelt thanks -- then you have crossed the divide from whining at God to real prayer.

Happy Thanks-giving!

Pastor Paul

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October, 2023

From Pastor Paul

Hard things. What makes them bearable? Doable? Where do you find the inner strength that you need to endure them?

I decided recently that I can put up with almost anything, endure tough things, stretch my comfort zone, and deal with hurts and disappointments. If they are for the Lord. I mean if my attitude ultimately impacts someone for the Lord, then it's worth it. If I sacrifice something for the Lord, it's worth it. If I'm hurting but I know that ultimately that hurt will be worth it because I'm giving it over to the Lord and He will use that situation or hurt for His greater good then it's so worth it. But things just don't seem very bearable or doable without being able to lean on the Lord or knowing that He will use them.

I think that is where hope is so valuable. In my life, I have hope because I know I can turn to God and He can bring good from what I am going through or use it in a mighty way. If I couldn't turn to Him, things would just feel so very lonely, hopeless and empty.

Hard things come into our lives all of the time. It's hard to forgive someone who has hurt us deeply. It's hard to sacrifice our desires, dreams, and wishes especially if other people benefit who may not deserve them. It's hard to feel like we are forgotten or "shafted" not noticed. It's hard to do the right thing when the wrong thing feels so good at the moment! It's hard to swallow our pride, let go of our bitterness, or squelch our anger. It's hard.

Doing something hard is worth it though. It's worth it if you do it for the right reasons. Do it for the Lord and not yourself. If you do it for yourself that only keeps the focus on yourself and you don't really benefit in the long run. But if you do it for the Lord, then you have a greater cause and something that motivates you to be better, stronger, wiser.

Yes, doing something hard is worth it if it's for the Lord. I know that I can do anything if it's for my God. You can too. Find the inner strength you seek by giving those hard things over to God today.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Paul

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Tuesday, August 22

From Pastor Paul,

Do you have a dream and a goal for your life? Do you envision something is changing in your circumstances? Did you make a commitment to change some bad habits in your life? Do you feel that God wants you to step out in faith and start a new ministry or a business? Do you know deep down in your heart that God wants your life to go in a totally different direction?

The Bible says in Philippians 2:13 that "God is working in you, giving you both, the desire and the power to do what pleases him." Another translation puts it this way: "For it is God who works in you, both to will and to accomplish, according to his good will."

You see, so many times we have an idea or a desire. We are so sure that it comes from God. We get all exited over it. And then, all of a sudden the excitement is taken over by doubt, fear, and uncertainty and disbelief.

But I want to encourage you to go for it and stick with it. If you feel that God is up to something in your life, please realize, that God did not only put the idea, the dream and the will into your heart, but that he also has already equipped you with the power to accomplish his plan that he has for your life.

And it is a wonderful plan that God has for your life! He has put a dream and an idea in your heart and mind and he has given you the power to fulfill that dream. It gives God great pleasure to watch you accomplish his plans for your life.

Here is a lesson that you can learn from a postal stamp. When you mail a letter, the stamp stays on the envelope until it reaches the final destination. Many people have great and noble plans but they give up to soon. As soon as some problems come along the way they quit. Some quit because some good Christian friends just 'can't see it being from God'. Others work hard towards accomplishing their dream but then they give up just steps away from the finish line.

Let me encourage you to

1. Set yourself a goal, that is reachable and has value for yourself and others
2. Start today to take at least on step every day toward that goal
3. Never lose sight of your goal. (Think and dream about it all the time)
4. Don't listen to people that have no interest in your accomplishments
5. Stick to it until you reach your destination. Just like a stamp!

Let your dreams, goals and desires come alive in your heart and mind again. They must fill you with a burning desire. Be convinced, that you will reach your God given goal because with God NOTHING is impossible!

And never give up! Tell yourself every morning: It is too early to give up!

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul

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Wednesday, April 26

From Pastor Paul:

One of my favorite Easter stories comes from the Gospel of John. It takes place a few days after Easter, Jesus has appeared to the disciples twice now. And one day Peter and a few other disciples decide to go fishing. It seems like a perfectly normal thing to do, after all they have spent the majority of their adult lives fishing.  

And so now that their time following Jesus around Galilee seems to have come to an end they return to fishing.  

But they were not very successful. They fished all night and they did not catch a single fish. They are discouraged and frustrated, and then just after dawn they hear a man standing on the beach asking them if they have no fish. When they honestly reply that they do not, he tells them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat because there they will find fish.  

So, figuring it can't hurt to try, they cast their nets to the other side. And they cannot even haul the nets into the boat because they were so full with fish.  

Immediately they recognize that this stranger on the beach is the risen Jesus and they quickly go to shore to meet him, build a fire, and feast on fish with him.

I love that the disciples, at a loss for what to do now that Christ has risen, return to something familiar. They return to what they know.  

But they find that it does not quite work out for them anymore. And here comes this man with a ridiculous suggestion that the problem is simply that they are fishing from the wrong side of the boat! The man tells them to cast their nets to the right side of the boat. Like all fishermen at the time, the disciples were fishing from the left side of the boat. This is because the steering apparatus was located on the right side of the boat and thus fishing from that side risked tangling the net with the steering apparatus when a full net of fish was raised into the boat.  

This meant fishing from the right side of the boat could result in damage to the boat or the net, something any fisherman would want to avoid. And yet the disciples find, when they allow the risen Jesus to change their old fishing habits they get an abundant catch. 

We are so like those disciples returning to fishing. After celebrating the Easter season many of us return to our old habits, routines, and patterns of life. Like the disciples, we too return to what we know.  

Jesus does not admonish the disciples for returning to their old way of fishing. Instead he offers them a small but significant transformation, a twist on the old way that has huge results.  

The risen Jesus offers us a twist on the old way, we are called to respond to the Resurrection with fearless love that transforms even our smallest habits, routines, and ways of life.  

What would it look like for you to fish on the other side? What would it look like for you to go about everyday life responding to the call of the risen Christ?  

Cast your nets to the other side. Allow familiar ways to be transformed by resurrection love.


See You Sunday,  Pastor Paul

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Wednesday, August 10

From Pastor Paul

Very little of the early life of Jesus is recorded in the gospel accounts. Only in Luke do we get a small glimpse into the childhood of the Savior. Men have tried to guess and assume certain things that Jesus may have done when he was young, for instance because his father Joseph was a carpenter, we assume that Jesus was taught and practiced the trade of carpentry. Even though we aren’t told stories of his youth, we can, by using other passages of scripture, come to realize that because Jesus was human, he shared some of the same emotions, feelings and temptations that you and I are experiencing right now. 

Because He was human, Jesus felt happiness when things went well. He probably spent time with His friends laughing and playing games that most children played. As He grew older He experienced the emotions of an adolescent, thus learning and understanding the vast range of growing pains that young people experience as they grow into adulthood. Also as He grew older, He was tempted with all of the bad things that life had to offer. We read that He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Jesus cried when he was sad, got angry, frustrated and perplexed when people disappointed Him and enjoyed the company of children. In order to know us and sympathize with us Jesus experienced life fully. So you might ask, “What does this have to do with me today?” Well, everything. As we go through our everyday lives, we experience happiness, frustration, temptation, anger, and enjoyment. Knowing that Jesus experienced life just as we do can be very comforting and encouraging. There’s not a problem that the Savior doesn’t understand and will mediate to God for us.  

So as we begin another week, let’s remember as the old song says, “there’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, no not one” and He’ll help us through all of life’s troubles and triumphs because after all He was and is like us. 

See You Sunday




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Wednesday, August 17

From Pastor Paul


When I think about the text in Mark 4:35-41 it reminds me, once again that the storms in life are inevitable.  There are circumstances that are out of our control.   

            Think about your life as a boat and the circumstances of life as the storms.  I ask you three questions today. 

            #1 Is Jesus Christ in your boat?  You know if he is or isn't.  If you have asked him into your life he is there.  If you haven't you can.  If he isn't in your boat, your life, during stormy times you will be frantic and experience fear.  It will seem that you have no one to turn to except others who are also in the storm and trial with you.  If Jesus Christ is not in your boat all you need to do is say, "Jesus Christ, come into my life, come into my boat."   

            #2 If Christ is in your boat, your life, what is he doing at this present time?  Is Jesus sleeping and wanting you to see him at peace.  Is Jesus giving you peace in the midst of the storm?  Or is he waking up to speak to your storms and silence them in some dramatic fashion?  Is Jesus giving peace by his actions? 

            #3 If Jesus is in your boat during a storm have you responded with fear instead of faith?  If you have responded, like the disciples, in fear for your own lives do you hear the words Jesus?  "Why are you afraid?  Don't you have any faith?"  The words sound so harsh, and so direct.  Understand that the same grace that followed the rebuke to the disciples is yours as well.  Jesus continued to teach and love the disciples, he did not write them off.  He gave them another chance to show and express their faith.  Jesus Christ extends his loving grace to us today in the form of a second chance and hopes that we will respond in faith on another day. 

              One of my favorite hymns is "It is Well with My Soul." Horatio Spafford wrote it in 1873 after he found out that his four daughters died.  They died when the ship S. S. Ville du Havre sank in November 22, 1873.  The words to this song speak of peace and serenity.  Yet, this song was borne out of intense grief and suffering.  Can you imagine the loss of four of your daughters?  I cannot imagine the suffering.  Yet, Horatio in some way was able to express his faith in this beautiful song. 

            Listen to the words of the first verse.  "When peace like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.  It is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul." 

             We have the same man, Jesus Christ, who is in our boat, in our corner, in our lives no matter what storms we find ourselves in.  I want to offer up a special prayer for those who are in the midst of a storm that they might face their fear, they might ask Jesus to come into their boat, that they might see Jesus and might hear his words.   


See You Sunday, 


Pastor Paul 

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Wednesday, August 24

From Pastor Paul

Hard things. What makes them bearable? Doable? Where do you find the inner strength that you need to endure them?
     I decided recently that I can put up with almost anything, endure tough things, stretch my comfort zone, and deal with hurts and disappointments. If they are for the Lord. I mean if my attitude ultimately impacts someone for the Lord, then it's worth it. If I sacrifice something for the Lord, it's worth it. If I'm hurting but I know that ultimately that hurt will be worth it because I'm giving it over to the Lord and He will use that situation or hurt for His greater good, then it's so worth it. But things just don't seem very bearable or doable without being able to lean on the Lord or knowing that He will use them.
     I think that is where hope is so valuable. In my life, I have hope because I know I can turn to God and He can bring good from what I am going through or use it in a mighty way. If I couldn't turn to Him, things would just feel so very lonely, hopeless and empty.
     Hard things come into our lives all of the time. It's hard to forgive someone who has hurt us deeply. It's hard to sacrifice our desires, dreams, and wishes especially if other people benefit who may not deserve them. It's hard to feel like we are forgotten or "shafted" not noticed. It's hard to do the right thing when the wrong thing feels so good at the moment! It's hard to swallow our pride, let go of our bitterness, or squelch our anger. It's hard.
     Doing something hard is worth it though. It's worth it if you do it for the right reasons. Do it for the Lord and not yourself. If you do it for yourself that only keeps the focus on yourself and you don't really benefit in the long run. But if you do it for the Lord, then you have a greater cause and something that motivates you to be better, stronger, wiser.
     Yes, doing something hard is worth it, if it's for the Lord. I know that I can do anything if it's for my God. You can too. Find the inner strength you seek by giving those hard things over to God today. 

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Paul   

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Wednesday, January 18

From Pastor Paul:

As I sit here in my office looking out the window, it’s raining and the wind chill is hovering around 30 degrees. It’s on days like today when I think how nice it would have been to stay in bed wrapped in a warm blanket or to be sitting in front of a warm fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate. However, I realize that we can’t always do what we want to do. In fact many times in life we find ourselves dealing with climate changes (and I don’t mean just the temperature) that we just don’t want to face. We would rather be anyplace but where we are.


Every year, many of us resolve to do things differently in the coming year. We do so in hopes that maybe the coming year will be the year that we overcome some of the addictions and habits that have become a burden in our lives. Maybe you resolved to lose weight. Maybe you thought that it was time to lay off the chocolates or caffeine. Maybe you decided this was the year you were going to make amends with someone whom you have had a falling out with. One month into the New Year, I can’t help but wonder how many of you are struggling to keep those New Year’s Resolutions that you set. We tend to make excuses and the climate might not always seem right for change. Many outside circumstances force us to alter our commitments and so we struggle along doing the best we can.


As Christians, we have been called to present the Gospel message to the world. To do so, we need to change our way of thinking and find a way to come together. It is only when we come together that we are truly the body of Christ. It is as a collection of members that we accomplish the works of apostles, prophets, teachers and healers. It is only when we work together that the whole Christian story can be told.


Last Sunday we embarked upon a journey to be unified in prayer as a church community. Through this Prayer Initiative we are making a commitment to come together in prayer (this prayer can be found in this month’s E-Navigator, our weekly Guidelines for Prayer and the bulletin each week) on a regular basis and listen for God’s guidance (nudgings) through the process. The leadership at Calvary believes that this is one way we can come together as a unified body and as we share our stories about what God has laid on our hearts we will begin to understand how God is calling us to present the Gospel message to the community that we serve. This will allow us to focus on matters outside our own personal lives and perhaps change the narrative of this church as we venture out into the unknown future.


So, how will we tell the Christian story in the year that lies ahead? What New Year’s Resolutions will we make as the body of Christ in our church today, and what will we do to show that our commitment is more than skin deep? This is the year to:


  • Show real warmth as we reach out to the community, welcome visitors to our congregation, and work to strengthen the bonds of Christian community among us.
  • Demand authenticity in our Christian education, congregational care and personal interaction inside, and outside, of the church, so that we won’t settle for pat answers to difficult questions or challenges.
  • Encourage passion in our worship and outreach to our community, so that everyone will feel and see, our commitment to the work of our gracious and powerful God.
  • Focus on Jesus in every aspect of our church’s life, so that we will be able to deepen our relationship with the One who is our Lord and our Savior.


Warmth, Authenticity, Passion and JesusThese are the four key characteristics of a healthy church, and they are the four qualities that will be decisive for the vitality of the body of Christ in 2023 and in the years to come. See you Sunday!!


Pastor Paul

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Wednesday, July 13

Pastor Paul Burris Weekly Office Hours

Tues:  9 am – 1 pm

Wed:  9 am – 1 pm

Thur:  9 am – 1 pm


From Pastor Paul 

Lisa and I would like to thank all of you for the warm welcome we received during our first Sunday at Calvary. 

It’s never easy moving into a new community but you all have made the transition an easier one. The difficult part is always unpacking and finding a place for everything. As I sort through the boxes, I find it hard to believe the value that I place on some the items that made the journey. Some of these items are truly treasures while others I couldn’t tell you when or where I got them. 

That’s how it is with our lives isn’t it? We continue to carry around things that really have no value and carry no significance. Jesus continues to challenge us to prioritize what is important in our lives. Jesus desires that we place our relationship with him at the top of our list. My prayer for all of us this year is that we will make it a point to grow in our relationship with Christ and that we will experience the fullness of life that relationship has to offer. 

It is wonderful to be a part of your church family. I’m looking forward to our future ministry together. 

In Christ,  

Pastor Paul 

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Wednesday, June 22

Paul Burris – 
Lisa and I are excited about coming to Syracuse Calvary. I am one of six children (3 boys and 3 girls). Although we are scattered geographically we still remain very close. Our sister Lisa passed away in 2006. I grew up mainly in the Indianapolis area where I graduated from Avon High School in 1977. 
My father is a retired Methodist pastor where he served for over 50 years. He is still active in the United Methodist church and living in Fort Wayne. He has been my mentor and anchor throughout my life and my ministry. My mother was always supportive of my father’s ministry and did a wonderful job at raising six children. She passed away in 2006.
My wife, Lisa, and I have been married for 10 years (we’ve been together for 18) and have 3 wonderful children between us. My oldest son, Deyan, (31) lives in Columbia, Missouri. My youngest, Kristopher, (28) lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Lisa’s daughter, Kinsey, (31) lives in Leadville, Colorado. Although the kids are scattered across the United States, we feel blessed to have several unique travel destinations to visit each year.
Lisa was born and raised in northern Indiana. She has been a blessing in my life. Her love for God and others is one of her greatest strengths. We share many of the same interests including a love for the outdoors and the Denver Broncos. She lived in Missoula, Montana for 10 years where her family owned a canoe and kayak store. Our connection to the West is one of the reasons we were attracted to each other. I thank God daily for bringing her into my life.
After graduating from high school I moved to Colorado where I spent the next 15 years. My time in Colorado was spent enjoying the great outdoors; hiking, camping, mountain climbing, rock climbing, backpacking etc. In Colorado I attended Colorado Mountain College in Leadville (AA in Outdoor Studies) and Colorado State University in Fort Collins (BA in History). Although I worked in a variety of jobs in Colorado my main profession was working with developmentally disabled adults.
In 1992 God called me back to Indiana and into ministry where I have been serving for the past 30 years.  I attended Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis and graduated with an MDIV degree in 1997. I was ordained an Elder in the North Indiana Conference (now the Indiana Conference) of the United Methodist Church in 1999. Over the years I have served 6 different churches of various sizes in a variety of settings. Although I love the many different aspects and challenges that ministry has to offer my main passions are: preaching and teaching, children and youth ministry, music, missions and outreach and pot luck dinners. In my 30 years in ministry I have led and/or participated in 25 mission trips (including Jamaica and Haiti).
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, camping, golf, travel (I’ve visited all of the lower 48 states), attending spectator sports (especially football and basketball), genealogy, American Civil War studies and photography.


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Wednesday, June 28

From Pastor Paul

Stealthily they walked through the jungle, a single column of men, cautiously looking right and left as they traveled. They were well armed as they moved through the brush. Their enemies would have been fools to rush them head on. Instead, one by one, they began to emerge from the bushes grabbing the last man in line, carefully covering his mouth so he could not cry out in warning to the others.

Isn't that the way it usually goes? I couldn't tell you how many movies I've watched wherein it happened this way. You'd think they would get wise to this plot after a while and put two men back to back, heavily armed with some sort of siren device on them. That way when the enemy tried to pick them off from the end of the line they would be very well guarded. But no they continue doing it the same old way. I've tried to tell them as I watched, "Look behind you buddy!" But they just refused to listen to me.

But isn't life a little like that? Many live day to day looking back to what happened yesterday. We fret and worry about what we have done. Many a movie star or sports star has ruined their lives and careers because of choices they made yesterday. Perhaps they are sorry for what they've done, although in too many cases they are only sorry after they have been caught. Regardless, we can't change what took place yesterday. We can apologize if an apology is in order; we can try to repay others if we have cheated someone. We can attempt to make right what we did wrong yesterday. Still, the mark is there and we cannot erase it.

Many have said, "If I could just live that incident over I'd do things differently." You know what? If we made the choice we made yesterday, unless we could relive it with the knowledge we have today, more than likely we'd make the same choice as we did before.

Let's just face facts here; we make bad decisions. We get angry; we feel justified and we do things in haste as a result. God calls it sin. If we could only have a heavily armed guard in the rear protecting us from those wrong choices, mistakes, and sin that we did yesterday wouldn't life be a whole lot easier?

In Isaiah 52:12 God, through the prophet Isaiah, speaks of this very thing. It says, "For you shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight; for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard." Isn't that a neat thought? It tells us that God will not only go in front of us but He will also be the heavily armed guard in the back. If we listen to Him, and if we follow Him, He will not only lead us down the path of safety but He will also be at the end of the line taking care of the enemy who desires to pick us off one by one from behind.

In essence He is also saying that if we are faithful in following Him, by doing what He tells us in the Bible as it witnesses to our conscience, He will not only take us down the right road of the future, protect us and guide us today, but He will also be there to help us make the right decisions that will protect our yesterdays. In other words, we won't have to live in regret of yesterday.

I know we all make mistakes and wrong choices. The Lord knows that I've certainly made my share, and then some, of bad decisions. But that only happens when we aren't in tune with God; when we act without seeking His will and His instruction. But when we are orchestrated with the God of Heaven, and we are following His music, the music of life, then He will become our guard against yesterday.


See You Sunday,


Pastor Paul

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Wednesday, March 22

From Pastor Paul:

Every year when the NCAA men’s basketball tourney takes place I am often reminded of past tourneys and feats of heroics (and no I’m not referring to IU’s 5 National Championships, sorry Boilermaker fans). In mid-March every year teams take the stage with high hopes of going as far as they can in the tourney regardless of the odds.


One tourney that sticks out as one of my favorites took place in 1983. That year the North Carolina State Wolfpack won eight consecutive games which propelled them into the title game.  They faced the University of Houston Cougars, whose twin towers, Clyde Drexler and Hakeen Olajuwon, had earned the nickname “Phi Slamma Jamma.”


Experts considered the championship match an afterthought. Houston needed to go only through the motions. But the Wolfpack had other ideas. Another contest as an underdog didn’t faze Jim Valvano’s team.


NC State used the same strategy that had carried it on its winning streak. The team stuck to a controlled offense, tight defense, and planned to foul late to force Houston into pressure free throws. The tactics worked well. The Wolfpack led 33-25 at the half.


Houston regrouped and went on a 17-2 run. With three minutes remaining, the Cougars forged ahead 52-46. NC State began to foul. The plan worked. Houston missed free throws, and the Wolfpack hit buckets.


With the score tied at 52, Valvano ordered his team to work for the final shot. But the Pack’s offense wasn’t clicking and time ticked away. Dereck Wittenberg fired a desperation shot that touched nothing but air. Suddenly, two monstrous hands reached up, grabbed the ball, and stuffed it through the hoop as the buzzer sounded. The hands belonged to NC State’s Lorenzo Charles. The Wolfpack reigned as the NCAA Basketball Champs.


NC State proved that things don’t always go as planned. The strongest and the swiftest don’t always win. The writer of Ecclesiastes wrote: “I have seen something else under the sun: the race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise nor wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11)


Time and chance happen to all. And God controls both. Let that be a reminder to us as we continue the work God has called us to here at Calvary. The Wolfpack’s 1983 championship season is a powerful statement as to what can be accomplished if one stays focused on the task at hand. As we move forward in ministry let us continue to pray for the readiness to receive the unexpected from God.


See You Sunday, Pastor Paul


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Wednesday, November 16

From Pastor Paul

November 27th begins the season of Advent. For 28 days, we journey to the manger where we experience God’s presence become flesh and dwelling among us. God’s good news takes human form to tell us we are not left alone in this life. Emanuel, God with us, comes to us. It is a life-changing story that we enter at this time of year.

This year, I wonder how we will get there. It seems now with the branding of Christmas that there are many other paths to Christmas Day. For some, Christmas is now about what sits under the tree after searching at length for presents we may or may not need. Encountering God’s life-transforming presence seems less interesting if it is even remembered as the story of this season.

The basic definition of Advent means the coming or arrival of a notable person, thing or event. As Christians, we know how our familiar story ends (or begins) with God arriving through poor, unknown parents in a back alley of a small city. In a poem unrelated to Advent yet very pertinent, T.S. Eliot speaks about being in a familiar place and yet exploring it until we arrive at the same place and know it in new ways. He writes,

We shall not cease from exploration


And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

~T.S. Eliot

We know the destination of Christmas, but what path will we take in our travels through Advent to the manger and Christmas Day? Jesus’ own words in his Sermon on the Mount can be helpful: seek and we will find. We find God’s way in the midst of searching for it. We find God’s dream for us when we follow the Way of hope, peace, joy and love.

What if we take that path, a path less traveled this season? Let’s search for the manger using God’s Way of hope, peace, joy and love as if they are points on a compass and we are seeking ways to live authentic and faithful lives to a story that has transformed us and wants to do so again. What might we see in an otherwise routine and annual story? What unexpected turns will we take? What stops will we make along the way?

I’m looking forward to our journey together and what God will reveal to us along the way and on Christmas Day. I’m looking forward to searching for God’s Way this Advent and the ways God will make us living examples of God’s presence in the world.

Traveling Mercies,

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul

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Wednesday, October 19

From Pastor Paul:

Driving around northern Indiana this past week I have been somewhat hypnotized by the trees and the brilliant colors on display. It seems to me that they are more prominent than in years past. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and have learned to appreciate things more. I don’t know? Whatever the reason this has always been my favorite time of the year. However, when I stop the car and get out I am reminded that the leaves are falling off the trees and that this particular beauty will be short lived. Winter is right around the corner. Winter is the time when I often reflect upon the changing seasons of life. It is a reminder that there is an end to everything and I begin to wonder what legacy I might leave behind when my time on earth is finished.

Have you ever thought about what you are going to leave behind when you die? Most people think in terms of possessions—property, money, stocks and bonds, and so forth. But let’s think in terms of spiritual heritage. What kind of lifestyle, what kind of understanding of who God is and what the Scriptures say will be your legacy?

You may say, “Wait a minute. You can’t give someone else your faith. That’s something everyone has to experience on a personal basis. You can’t really give your faith away.” You cannot give away your experience, I admit, but you can hand down your faith. You can leave your sense of moral values, the understanding of the principles of Scripture, those principles of the Word of God that have guided you and led you as you made your decisions in life….

If you are a Godly parent, or grandparent, look at what you may have to give to your children. You may not be able to leave them even a small amount of money, but if you have loved God and practiced the principles of Scripture, if you have loved your children and listened to them, you will leave them a faith to sustain them through every difficulty, every heartache, and every trial of life.

As the seasons of life come and go, our challenge as parents and as a church is to build strong Christian homes. To teach our children everything we know about God and life. By doing so we will in fact be leaving them the greatest treasure they will ever receive. 

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul           

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Wednesday, September 21

From Pastor Paul:

Back in the late sixties a group called Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song that stated, "I am a rock, I am an island." It indicated that no matter what happened to them they could stand strong and that they had isolated themselves so no one else could hurt them. It may sound like a noble statement, but in reality we are flesh and bone and we have been created as social creatures and cannot function normally without contact with other people.

I have to confess that it has been a battle in my own life to get close to others. As a pastor you feel like you need to have all the answers, all the time, and that you can never get down because you've always got to be positive. We've been taught and frankly, most people expect, their pastor to always be up, never depressed and ready with the answers they need in their lives. The truth of the matter is that no one pastor can completely and always fulfill such a role. That's because we are all human. We all need friends and someone we can confide in. That's a lesson I've learned the hard way. Over the years I've shared many of my own blunders, mistakes, and sometimes outright sins through my sermons and personal conversations. I've done that because frankly people need to know that pastors are human too. They do make mistakes and they do need friendships and understanding from others.

We need each other and the Bible has many statements giving us instructions on how to treat each other. Here are some examples:

Romans 15:7 tells us that we are to accept each other just as Christ has accepted us.

Galatians 5:13 tells us that we are to serve each other in love.

Galatians 6:2 tells us that we are to carry each other's burdens.

Colossians 3:13 tells us that we are to accept each other and forgive those things that come between us.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us that we are to encourage and build each other up.

And 1 Peter 4:9 tells us to be hospitable to each other without grumbling or complaining.

I'd say that this is a lot of proof that we need each other. Always remember that the sign and evidence of our Christian experience is that we love one another. All of these passages that talk about how we should treat our fellow believers are examples of this love. This is how the world knows that we are Christians. It isn't by how holy we are or how much we know, but how much we love our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul  

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