From Pastor Paul,
Do you have a dream and a goal for your life? Do you envision something is changing in your circumstances? Did you make a commitment to change some bad habits in your life? Do you feel that God wants you to step out in faith and start a new ministry or a business? Do you know deep down in your heart that God wants your life to go in a totally different direction?
The Bible says in Philippians 2:13 that "God is working in you, giving you both, the desire and the power to do what pleases him." Another translation puts it this way: "For it is God who works in you, both to will and to accomplish, according to his good will."
You see, so many times we have an idea or a desire. We are so sure that it comes from God. We get all exited over it. And then, all of a sudden the excitement is taken over by doubt, fear, and uncertainty and disbelief.
But I want to encourage you to go for it and stick with it. If you feel that God is up to something in your life, please realize, that God did not only put the idea, the dream and the will into your heart, but that he also has already equipped you with the power to accomplish his plan that he has for your life.
And it is a wonderful plan that God has for your life! He has put a dream and an idea in your heart and mind and he has given you the power to fulfill that dream. It gives God great pleasure to watch you accomplish his plans for your life.
Here is a lesson that you can learn from a postal stamp. When you mail a letter, the stamp stays on the envelope until it reaches the final destination. Many people have great and noble plans but they give up to soon. As soon as some problems come along the way they quit. Some quit because some good Christian friends just 'can't see it being from God'. Others work hard towards accomplishing their dream but then they give up just steps away from the finish line.
Let me encourage you to
1. Set yourself a goal, that is reachable and has value for yourself and others
2. Start today to take at least on step every day toward that goal
3. Never lose sight of your goal. (Think and dream about it all the time)
4. Don't listen to people that have no interest in your accomplishments
5. Stick to it until you reach your destination. Just like a stamp!
Let your dreams, goals and desires come alive in your heart and mind again. They must fill you with a burning desire. Be convinced, that you will reach your God given goal because with God NOTHING is impossible!
And never give up! Tell yourself every morning: It is too early to give up!
See You Sunday,
Pastor Paul
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