Address: P.O. Box 9, Syracuse, IN 46567
Email: syrcalv@kcaccess.com:
Website: www.syracusecalvaryumc.org
Church: 574-457-377
From Pastor Paul
Stealthily they walked through the jungle, a single column of men, cautiously looking right and left as they traveled. They were well armed as they moved through the brush. Their enemies would have been fools to rush them head on. Instead, one by one, they began to emerge from the bushes grabbing the last man in line, carefully covering his mouth so he could not cry out in warning to the others.
Isn't that the way it usually goes? I couldn't tell you how many movies I've watched wherein it happened this way. You'd think they would get wise to this plot after a while and put two men back to back, heavily armed with some sort of siren device on them. That way when the enemy tried to pick them off from the end of the line they would be very well guarded. But no they continue doing it the same old way. I've tried to tell them as I watched, "Look behind you buddy!" But they just refused to listen to me.
But isn't life a little like that? Many live day to day looking back to what happened yesterday. We fret and worry about what we have done. Many a movie star or sports star has ruined their lives and careers because of choices they made yesterday. Perhaps they are sorry for what they've done, although in too many cases they are only sorry after they have been caught. Regardless, we can't change what took place yesterday. We can apologize if an apology is in order; we can try to repay others if we have cheated someone. We can attempt to make right what we did wrong yesterday. Still, the mark is there and we cannot erase it.
Many have said, "If I could just live that incident over I'd do things differently." You know what? If we made the choice we made yesterday, unless we could relive it with the knowledge we have today, more than likely we'd make the same choice as we did before.
Let's just face facts here; we make bad decisions. We get angry; we feel justified and we do things in haste as a result. God calls it sin. If we could only have a heavily armed guard in the rear protecting us from those wrong choices, mistakes, and sin that we did yesterday wouldn't life be a whole lot easier?
In Isaiah 52:12 God, through the prophet Isaiah, speaks of this very thing. It says, "For you shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight; for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard." Isn't that a neat thought? It tells us that God will not only go in front of us but He will also be the heavily armed guard in the back. If we listen to Him, and if we follow Him, He will not only lead us down the path of safety but He will also be at the end of the line taking care of the enemy who desires to pick us off one by one from behind.
In essence He is also saying that if we are faithful in following Him, by doing what He tells us in the Bible as it witnesses to our conscience, He will not only take us down the right road of the future, protect us and guide us today, but He will also be there to help us make the right decisions that will protect our yesterdays. In other words, we won't have to live in regret of yesterday.
I know we all make mistakes and wrong choices. The Lord knows that I've certainly made my share, and then some, of bad decisions. But that only happens when we aren't in tune with God; when we act without seeking His will and His instruction. But when we are orchestrated with the God of Heaven, and we are following His music, the music of life, then He will become our guard against yesterday.
See You Sunday,
Pastor Paul
Pastor Paul Burris Weekly Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Church: 574-457-3778 Pastor’s cell phone: 260-609-9260
Church Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00 am—3:00 p
Breakthrough Prayer Initiative
Calvary United Methodist Church
Join us in prayer renewal of our own hearts and of Calvary’s life together and ministries for our community and world. Please devote 5 to 10 minutes two or three times per week, offering this prayer and then listening for Spirit-nudges for any area of Calvary’s life.
God, please break through and open doors to new
hopes, dreams and possibilities for our church and
in our own lives…and we will surrender and faith-
fully follow Christ onto the open road adventure of
Your new and unknown future.
May your will be done. Amen!
Please Pray for our church family and friends: only names written on the blue cards, given directly to Pastor Paul or called into the office will be on the prayer list and Guidelines for Prayer. Prayer requests will remain on the list until the person who requested it asks to have it removed.
The Purple Hearts originated from the Ruth Circle, who wanted a project to benefit many in fall of 2015.
The project took off when a garage sale was getting rid of approximately 100 yards of fleece at a real bargain! This was donated to start the project. To date we have given the gift of warmth to over 600 people. Inside and outside of the Church!
There have been up to 40 people, men, women, and family members from Calvary who have contributed to this project in some way. The Purple Heart want to thank everyone that who has made this project possible
Thanks to all who are helping with our community dinners each 2nd Friday of the month from 5:30 to 6:30. Kudos to UMW Martha’s Circle and all those who provide volunteer help and donations. We are serving anywhere from 100 to 140 people each month, and more are joining us for fellowship. We will make announcements in church if any specific items are needed. Or feel free to reach out to a Martha’s Circle member if you are interested in helping.
Our 4th Friday game night has been postponed for the summer due to scheduling conflicts…we will keep you updated on when we will start it back up again, most likely in August so mark your calendars and come ready to play!
“One person can make a difference!
NURSERY NEEDS YOUR HELP: One Sunday a month if you could help in the nursery with the precious little one that would be great! Please contact the church office to set up your Sunday. You will be a blessing to the little one and you will be blessed.
July 2023
3 Mon. Charlie Garner 100th Birthday open house 1:30 – 3:00 pm in fellowship hall of Calvary Church. If you can’t make it to the open house you can send a card to Charlie
Trustees 6 PM
6 Thurs. Red Cross 12 – 6 pm
Staff Parish 5 pm
11 Tues. Church Council meeting 6 pm
14 Fri. Free Community Dinner 5:30 – 6:30 pm
20 Thurs. J.U.L.I.E.T.S. meet at 11:30 am at Salvatories Italian (Warsaw)
23 Sun. After Worship Birthday Lucnch/Program 11:30 am
25 Tues. Gideon 6 – 8:30 pm
25 Tues E - Navigator
26 Wed. R.O.M.E.O.S meet at 11:30 am at
Calvary United Methodist Welcomes our Community
Calvary United Methodist Church in Syracuse offers several events for the community this summer
Our 4th Friday game night has been postponed for the summer due to scheduling conflicts…we will keep you updated on when we will start it back up again, most likely in August so mark your calendars and come ready to play!
Our long-standing Free Community Dinner (2nd Friday of the month) is scheduled for Friday, July 14th from 5:30-6:30. Take out or dine in options are available.
Additional Events
THIS IS Calvary (3 week courses to be held at the church starting in the October), Dan Sharp
September 17, Reunion Sunday, with special singing group, Carol Elder
Food Pantry
Food Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. Specific items you can bring for July are Canned Chicken, Beef Stew and peas These items can be placed in the narthex and a volunteer from our church will take it to the Syracuse Food Pantry.
The Outreach Missions; continue to support the food pantry will be Pack the Pantry with food 4 times a year.
Please keep the ones in need in your prayers!
Altar Flowers Needed
Every Sunday in JulyIf you would like to contribute altar flowers, sign your name on the date of the hallway calendar at the north end of the building, or call the church office at (457-3778) or email the church at syrcalv@kcaccess.com. You may deliver or we will have someone deliver for you. Some ideas are flowers for anniversaries, birthdays, our children and grandchildren and to God’s glory. NOTE: If you have silk flowers you no longer need, consider donating them to the church. Mary Hursh will use them to create altar arrangements with them.
Bashor Home Celebrates 100 years of Ministry
How many of us struggle to wait? There are many disciplines in our world, but the one that I struggle most with is patience. We live in a time where patience is replaced by a constant and fast paced life. The rise of Amazon allows us to get virtually any item imaginable at your doorstep in only a few days. Texts are sent instantly, and communication has never been faster. However, because of this, it is difficult to slow down enough to read a single chapter from our Bible. Chasing a fast pace life is a race that can never be won, and in the end there is oftentimes more lost than gained. A year ago I went to Israel, and during my time there I learned how important slowing down was to the Jewish people. Witnessing Shabbat first hand was revolutionary to the way that I think about a “Sabbath rest day.” Here in the United States, we attribute Sunday as our day or rest, but is it really? Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait for the LORD; be strong; and let your heart take courage, wait for the LORD!” This week I want to encourage you to slow down, whether that be fifteen minutes less of screen time, or taking a walk outside instead of watching television. Slow down and allow God to speak into your life, for we will never hear if we are not listening.
AT Calvary UMC
July 23, 2023
Bless us with your Presence to celebrate everyone’s Birthday!
Please bring food item for the Food Pantry to help them out!
Party begins with:
Church 10:00 A.M.
Lunch 11:30 AM (Church will provide Meat, Drinks, table serves)
Please bring salads, fruit, and vegetables for the meal to share
12:30 PM Begly’s Illusion’s
There will be a freewill donation for Begly
The day of program. (If you write a check
make it out to Begly’s Illusion’s)
Cake & Ice Cream after program
Face painting
Time to visit
Please call church to RSVP or if you would like more Information:
Calvary UMC 801 S. Huntington
P.O. Box 9 Syracuse Indiana 46567
Rebecca Scott
Office Administrator
Calvary UMC
801 S. Huntington St.
Syracuse Indiana 46567
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