E-Navigator Address: P.O. Box 9,
Syracuse, IN 46567
Email: syrcalv@kcaccess.com
Website: www.syracusecalvaryumc.org
From Pastor Paul,
Can You Forgive and Then Forget?
Forgiveness isn't something that you do for the sake of the person who wronged you. It is something you do for yourself. I don't forgive people because they deserve it, or earn it, or even ask for it. I forgive them for a very selfish reason.
The main purpose of forgiveness is to free yourself from the burden of the pain inflicted on you. Bitterness is a cancer that'll destroy you and your relationships. As a pastor of a Church, I've witnessed this root of bitterness defile so many things that a person holds dear.
I knew a woman that held so much pain and bitterness against a person that she had literally made herself sick and physically weak. If she could forgive the person that had wronged her, she'd be able to release the burden of that pain and the bitterness.
The truly tragic thing about a grudge is that it hurts you more than the person you hold it against. In many cases, the other person is unaware of your grudge or the depth of your grudge or even of the fact that they may have hurt you. So, your anger, bitterness, and pain are only hurting you. It is only destroying your own spirit.
Christians are supposed to be big on forgiveness. I should know. But even they miss the main purpose of forgiveness. It isn't to pretend that the wrong done to you is okay. It's not so that you can give some offender a pass on his wrong, or to pretend you weren't hurt or angry. It isn't even to demonstrate how holy and righteous you are. It is to release that anger, to release the burden of the pain that you carry around.
Jesus told Peter to forgive people until it became instinctual or habitual. He, being the Son of God, had much more clarity in this than we do. But the example suffices to demonstrate that unless we forgive, we have a human tendency to carry a grudge, to carry bitterness, to carry the burden of pain. This burden crushes you, not the person who hurt you.
Forgive people. Do it for yourself so you can function in life, see clearer, and not have to live with the painful burden of bitterness.
Don't look at the other person to determine if they are worthy of your forgiveness. It's not an issue of worthiness or even of relevance. It is about you releasing anger, pain, and bitterness. Carrying such a burden will affect your marriage, your friendships, your family, and every other relationship you possess. Your revenge plotting twists your mind more than it makes the person who hurt you suffer.
Let it go-for your own sake.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Paul
Pastor Paul Burris Weekly Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Church: 574-457-3778 Pastor’s cell phone: 260-609-9260
Church Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Breakthrough Prayer Initiative
Miraculous God of Breakthroughs, speak, show, and inspire us where your Spirit is leading next for Calvary Church and in our own lives. Open doors that will usher in a new season of creativity, faithfulness, and fruitfulness in the name of Jesus. And together grant us boldness, courage, and power without limits to step through the doors you open, in Christ’s name. Amen.
Breakthrough Prayer Initiative
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful response to the recent Breakthrough Prayer Initiative and our after Worship gatherings. We have received many good suggestions (and volunteers) to implement new Sunday morning Greeters; research ways to be in mission with our local schools; enhance visibility for Calvary in our community; develop fundraisers throughout the year; reach out to children and youth. Be mindful, also, of our need for strengthening our day-to-day functions through our church committees. There is a place for everyone to share your time, talents, and gifts for our life together in Christ and our mission to our community and the world.
We will be bringing specific ideas to the congregation over the next few weeks!
Your Breakthrough Prayer Team
Pastor Paul Burris, Roz Schwartz, Dan Sharp, Dwight Judy
Upper Room
The May/June issues are available in the narthex for your free copy
“One person can make a difference!
NURSERY! Needs your help to take care of the little ones for an hour during Worship! If the Lord lays it on your heart to help guide these little ones to know Jesus, please sign up for Nursery time on one Sunday a month!
Food Pantry
Food Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. Specific items you can bring for April is Canned Chicken, Beef Stew, Flour, Shampoo, Jello. These items can be placed in the narthex and a volunteer from our church will take it to the Syracuse Food Pantry.
The Outreach Missions continue to support the food pantry will be Pack the Pantry with food four times a year.
Please keep the ones in need in your prayer!
The Missions Committee will be having “Pack the Pantry” with paper items April 14th. Grocery bags will be passed out Sunday the 7th.
Where Are you called to Serve at Calvary?
As part of our recent (ongoing) Prayer Initiative, we have all been challenged to come to a better understanding as to how the Spirit is moving in our daily lives. A big part of the process is coming to the realization that we have all been gifted with special talents that are to be utilized in building the kingdom at Calvary UMC and in the community that we serve. In I Corinthians chapter 12 Paul reminds us that every gift from God is special and important. We are created by God, and He loves us. By acknowledging the spiritual gifts from God, we are glorifying Him. Each gift has the ability to help draw others to a relationship with the Lord. God’s people are like a body with many parts, yet those parts work together. Even though there are many people in the world, we can work together to share His love and glory. Every person has a purpose and is gifted by the Holy Spirit.
We are looking for people who are willing to provide much needed leadership which would enable us to carry out God’s mission here at Calvary. There are a number of areas, and committees you could serve such as: Trustees, Worship, Finance & Stewardship, Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations, Missions, Congregational Care, Prayer Team, Funeral Dinners, Nominations etc. etc… Please carefully consider where God might be calling you to be in ministry. If you feel you have been called, or need more information, concerning any area of ministry please feel free to contact Pastor Paul or Roz Schwartz. We are all part of the same body here at Calvary. It is going to take a group effort for us to make a difference in the community that we serve.
Altar Flowers Needed
Every Sunday
If you would like to contribute altar flowers, sign your name on the date of the hallway calendar at the north end of the building, or call the church office at (457-3778) or email the church at syrcalv@kcaccess.com. You may deliver or we will have someone deliver for you. Some ideas are flowers for anniversaries, birthdays, our children, and grandchildren and to God’s glory. NOTE: If you have silk flowers you no longer need, consider donating them to the church. Sherri will use them to make arrangements for the church.
April 2024
1 Mon. Trustee 5:00 pm
5 Tues. Afternoon Ladies Bible study April 2,9,16,23,30
7 Sun. Grocery bags passed out for “Pack the Pantry” with paper items
9 Tues. Stewardship/Finance 5:30 pm
10 Wed. Hannah Circle 6 pm
12 Fri. Free Community Dinner 5:30 - 6:30 pm
14 Sun. “Pack The Pantry” with paper items collected
15 Mon. Deadline for E-Navigator articles
18 Thurs. J.U.L.I.E.T.S. 11:30 am at Stubby’s (Stacy’s)
23 Tues. E- Navigator goes out
23 Tues. Gideon 6 – 8:30 pm
24 Wed. R.O.M.O.E.S. at 11:30 am at The Sleepy Owl
24 Wed. Martha/Ruth Circle 1 pm
26 Fri. Friday Family Fun Night 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Calvary United Methodist Welcomes our community.
Our long-standing Free Community Dinner (2nd Friday of the month) is scheduled for Friday April 12, from 5:30-6:30. Take-out or dine in options are available.
Family Fun Night April 26, 5:30 – 7:30 pm come and fellowship with others and play some games, put puzzles together, play cards and much more!
Plant, Bake an Craft Sale
Attention all gardeners, crafters, and bakers!
We will be having a bake, craft, and plant sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday May 4.
I would love donations of any kind in those categories. If anyone is interested in overseeing the craft or bake sale portions of this event I would love some help.
We would be thrilled to have crafters set up booths with their creations, no booth rent, just ask for a donation of a portion of what is sold.
For more information call Amy Rensberger at 574-529-008
Thoughts from Bashor Home
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