Calvary United Methodist Church                                                                                               E-Navigator, May, 2024

                                                              Address: P.O. Box 9 

                                                               Syracuse, IN   46567                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     



From Pastor Paul,

In Luke 9:46-50 the disciples argue over which of them is the greatest. Jesus takes a small child and puts him next to himself and tells the disciples that anyone who receives such a child in his name receives him. When a person receives Jesus, he is receiving the one who sent him. Jesus then tells his ambitious disciples that the least among them will be greatest.

In the next verse John is puzzled because an unauthorized person has been casting out demons in the name of Jesus: the disciples forbade the man from doing this. But Jesus says not to forbid him stating,  “Whoever is not against you, is for you.”

Sometimes in life we are so busy focusing on our own accomplishments that we fail to recognize that others are quite capable of achieving greatness and doing good things. In this story Jesus reminds us that even the most unassuming people in our midst are part of a much larger plan. Until we are aware that we are all part of the body of Christ we will not be able to be effective in making a difference in the world. It is my prayer that we will all find ways to work together. Building one another up in our common mission to reach others for Christ in a world that so desperately needs it.

See You Sunday,

Pastor Paul

                                     Pastor Paul Burris Weekly Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Church: 574-457-3778 Pastor’s cell phone: 260-609-9260

Church Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


                                                      Breakthrough Prayer Initiative                               

  Miraculous God of Breakthroughs, speak, show, and inspire us where your Spirit is leading next for Calvary Church and in our own lives. Open doors that will usher in a new season of creativity, faithfulness, and fruitfulness in the name of Jesus. And together grant us boldness, courage, and power without limits to step through the doors you open, in Christ’s name. Amen. 

Breakthrough Prayer Initiative

Thanks to everyone for your wonderful response to the recent Breakthrough Prayer Initiative and our after Worship gatherings. We have received many good suggestions (and volunteers) to implement new Sunday morning Greeters; research ways to be in mission with our local schools; enhance visibility for Calvary in our community; develop fundraisers throughout the year; reach out to children and youth. Be mindful, also, of our need for strengthening our day-to-day functions through our church committees. There is a place for everyone to share your time, talents, and gifts for our life together in Christ and our mission to our community and the world.

We will be bringing specific ideas to the congregation over the next few weeks!

Your Breakthrough Prayer Team

Pastor Paul Burris, Roz Schwartz, Dan Sharp, Dwight Judy


                                                                    Upper Room

The May/June issues are available in the narthex for your free copy.

Thank You

A Special thank you to Gary Green, Paul Burris, Linda Jamiel, and Darrel Posler for stripping and sealing the floors in the kitchen and bathrooms. Also, a special thank you to Johnnie Fick, and Karen Stiver for cleaning out and going through the safe contents. And a thank you to Sherri for all her hard work decorating the church and alter flowers. Your help is greatly appreciated!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“One person can make a difference!

NURSERY! Needs your help to take care of the little ones for an hour during Worship! If the Lord lays it on your heart to help guide these little ones to know Jesus, please sign up for Nursery time on one Sunday a month!


Food Pantry

Food Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. Specific items you can bring for May are canned chicken and pudding. These items can be placed in the narthex and a volunteer from our church will take it to the Syracuse Food Pantry.


The Outreach Missions continue to support the food pantry will be Pack the Pantry with food four times a year.

Please keep the ones in need in your prayer!


                                      Where Are you called to Serve at Calvary?

As part of our recent (ongoing) Prayer Initiative, we have all been challenged to come to a better understanding as to how the Spirit is moving in our daily lives. A big part of the process is coming to the realization that we have all been gifted with special talents that are to be utilized in building the kingdom at Calvary UMC and in the community that we serve. In I Corinthians chapter 12 Paul reminds us that every gift from God is special and important. We are created by God, and He loves us. By acknowledging the spiritual gifts from God, we are glorifying Him. Each gift has the ability to help draw others to a relationship with the Lord. God’s people are like a body with many parts, yet those parts work together. Even though there are many people in the world, we can work together to share His love and glory. Every person has a purpose and is gifted by the Holy Spirit.


We are looking for people who are willing to provide much needed leadership which would enable us to carry out God’s mission here at Calvary. There are a number of areas, and committees you could serve such as: Trustees, Worship, Finance & Stewardship, Administrative Council, Staff-Parish Relations, Missions, Congregational Care, Prayer Team, Funeral Dinners, Nominations etc. etc… Please carefully consider where God might be calling you to be in ministry. If you feel you have been called, or need more information, concerning any area of ministry please feel free to contact Pastor Paul or Roz Schwartz. We are all part of the same body here at Calvary. It is going to take a group effort for us to make a difference in the community that we serve.

                                                         Altar Flowers Needed

                                                               Every Sunday

If you would like to contribute altar flowers, sign your name on the date of the hallway calendar at the north end of the building, or call the church office at (457-3778) or email the church at Some ideas are flowers for anniversaries, birthdays, our children, and grandchildren and to God’s glory. NOTE: If you have silk flowers you no longer need, consider donating them to the church. Sherri will use them to make arrangements for the church. You can leave them on a shelf upstairs across from the Peace Room.


                                                     MONTHLY CALENDAR                                                                                                                       

May 2024

  2  Thurs.      Staff Parish 5:00 pm

  2  Thurs.      National Day of Prayer    

  4  Sat.          Craft Plant & Bake Sale

  6  Mon.       Trustee meeting 5:00 pm

  7  Tues.       Afternoon Ladies Bible study May 7,14,21,28 1:00 pm

 10 Fri.           Free Community Dinner 5:30 – 6:30 pm

 13 Mon.       Church Council 6 pm

 14 Tues.       Deadline for E-Navigator articles

 16 Thurs.     J.U.L.I.E.T.S.  11:30 am Tiffany’s

 21 Tues.       E- Navigator goes out

 22 Wed.       R.O.M.O.E.S. at 11:30 am at Louie’s

 23 Thurs.     Red Cross 12 – 6 pm

 24  Fri.          Friday Family Fun Night 5:30 – 7:30 pm

 29 Wed.       Martha/Ruth Circle 1 pm


Calvary United Methodist Welcomes our community.

Our long-standing Free Community Dinner (2nd Friday of the month) is scheduled for Friday May  10, from 5:30-6:30. Take-out or dine in options are available.

Family Fun Night May 24, 5:30 – 7:30 pm come and fellowship with others and play some games, put puzzles together, play cards and much more!


Additional Event…Bake, Craft and Plant Sale

Attention all gardeners, crafters, and bakers!

We will be having a bake, craft, and plant sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday May 4.

I would love donations of any kind in those categories. If anyone is interested in overseeing the craft or bake sale portions of this event I would love some help.

We would be thrilled to have crafters set up booths with their creations, no booth rent, just ask for a donation of a portion of what is sold.

For more information call Amy Rensberger.



Thoughts from Bashor Home

Prayer Message of the Week

By Dan Wolschlager

I often talk about aligning yourself with God’s will, but life can be challenging which leads us to ask the question, “What is God’s plan for me? “If you’ve asked this question, you’re not alone! So many Christians struggle to figure out God’s will. The Bible is often referred to as the “living word” because it speaks to us wherever we are at in life. To figure God’s will for your life is to be constantly reading the living word. The amazing thing is we can all read the same passage, yet gain different insight based on our experiences in life. In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:33 he says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” God doesn’t take away the pain and confusion in our lives, but God does promise to walk with us throughout the challenges that we may face. How often do we try to pursue an answer as opposed to trusting in God’s plan? God has given us free will to live our lives the way we want to, but does that mean we have control? God loves you so much that He was willing to allow each one of us to take wrong turns and make bad decisions in order that we may truly be free. However, the best freedom does not come when we follow our own desires, but rather when we follow the path that God calls us on! 







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