Two days after you receive this pastor's memo it will be Groundhog Day.  By the middle of the morning we will know if Winter is almost over or whether we will be suffering through six more weeks of cold and snow and slick roads.  My preference would be a short wait for the warm winds of Spring to be heralded in by that rodent known in Pennsylvania as Phil.  Come on, Phil!  Give me what I want.  On a more somber note, February 2nd also marks the Church's noting the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.  On the 40th day after a male child is born, Jewish tradition has him presented at the Temple.  Various purification rituals are performed.  It marks the official end of the Epiphany Season.  In the Western Church, the priest will bless candles on the 2nd; hence, Candlemas.  Those blessed beeswax candles were to be used throughout the year in the homes of the faithful to ward off storms.  I have never made beeswax candles nor have I ever placed said candles in the windows of my home. As February 2nd comes this year, give thought to Winter drawing to a close, sooner or later.  Also, remember Jesus presented at the Temple.  And may His Light shine from every window in our homes and from every heart that lives within.  And may the storms of life safely pass.