Christmas was just a month ago.  The non-stop Christmas music has disappeared from the radio.  We pretty much have the decorations put away.  It's probably rather easy to remember what you received from family and loved ones.  Same with remembering what you gave them.  We move through the calendar one day at a time.  The days become weeks and then months and then years.  It has ever been so.  I have never been one to decorate for Christmas; or any holiday, for that matter.  If it was left to me, putting up a tree with lights and tinsel and all the rest might not happen.  So, when I see houses and living rooms and shopping malls decked with "boughs of holly" I give a nod to those who have the time and energy and spirit for such things.  As I drive into Syracuse I see a home with Christmas lights still burning.  Red and green and white.  I can't tell you if any of them blink off and on.  Every time I drive by and see those lights, I think of Christmas.  This home is still decorated for the holiday.  And at least one citizen takes notice and remembers.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us kept the spirit of Christmas alive after the season ends?  How would our communities be different if that spirit was kept alive not only on our houses, but in our hearts?   It wouldn't bother me at all if those lights stayed up and stayed lit for a few more weeks or even months.  It's only 335 days until Christmas, 2018.