As 2017 comes to a close I want to remind you to make reasonable resolutions for the New Year.  There's no point making impossible ones and being disappointed by January 3rd or February 3rd or even March 3rd.  Although, reaching into the first week of March before lapsing back into normality might be quite an accomplishment for some.  I can reasonably assume few of you, if any, know Richard Trentlage.  Or Jim Delligatti, for that matter.  Both of them died back in 2016.  Trentlage was 87.  Delligatti was 98.  Not knowing them didn't mean you weren't familiar with their contributions to American culture.  Trentlage wrote the Oscar Mayer theme "Oh, I'd love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener..."  A contest in 1963 was to select a new commercial theme for the company.  His two kids were home from school the day he composed that ditty and they sang the lyrics.  It was a hit, and as they say, the rest is history.  Delligatti was a McDonald's franchisee.  He eventually owned over thirty restaurants.  You know him as the inventor of the Big MacThat was 1965 and fast food cuisine was changed forever.  He didn't make a dime on the sandwich from the company; only on the profits selling them to customers.  I mention these two men to remind us our lives are touched by anonymous people every day.  There are familiar things in our lives we take for granted.   We might be that kind of person some day.  Perhaps, already.  You never know.  Anonymity doesn't imply insignificance.  It's reason for us to be kind to others.  And not just at the end of the year when we're making resolution to be better people in the coming year.